Student Life » Graduation Policy

Graduation Policy

90% Attendance Rate

Passing grades in four major subjects: Social Studies, English, Mathematics, and Science (Minimum passing score is  80)

Receive a performance level of 3 or better on New York State exams in English, Social Studies and Mathematics.
Pass Physical Education course

Complete a satisfactory Science and Social Studies Exit Project

Attend 8th Grade Promotion Meeting

Attend TWO mandatory student Led Conferences

Maintain acceptable social behavior

NOTE:  Students who do not meet the above criteria cannot participate in any senior activities: senior trip, commencement ceremonies and prom.

 Criteria for Valedictorian and Salutatorian

I. The Highest Cumulative Grade Point Averages (grades 6-8) 
II. Participation in community service projects on the school level 
III. Consistently display appropriate behavior in all classes 
IV. Completion of all graduation/grade 8 promotional requirements 
***Please Note*** 

I. Approval of applicants will be made by staff members from all disciplines. 
II. Final selection of Valedictorian/Salutatorian will be made by the Principal.